International Journal on Criminology
Submission Guidelines
Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2013
The Art of Criminology in a Hostile Environment
Restorative Justice: The Dual Recognition of Crime Victims and Offenders
Subprime or subcrime?
Demographic Analysis of the Penal System: A Different Approach to Sentencing
Competition Between Those Involved in Public Debate on Crime Statistics
Psycho-Criminology of Sectarian Reality
Al Qaeda’s Western Volunteer Corps
Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 2014
The Global Criminality Age
The Long Arm of Crime and Financial Crisis
The Behavioral Intelligence Paradigm Shift in Fighting Cyber-Crime
Criminal State and Illicit Economy
The Impact of Victimological Theories on the Rights of Crime Victims in France
States of Change
The “Criminal Gang,” a French Ectoplasm?
Crime and Business
Volume 2, Number 2, Fall 2014
Charting Illicit Trade
Does Policing Have an Impact on Homicides?
Zarqawi's Children
Volume 3, Number 1, Spring 2015
Restorative Justice in the Penal Reform in France
Terrorism and Criminal Law
From "Arab Spring" to Jihadist Ice Age
What recent property crime trends in Western Europe tells us about the crime drops
At the Risk of Repeating Myself, Lumpenterrorism is Now with Us
Volume 3, Number 2, Fall 2015
The Cyclical Evolution of Homicides and Security
Terrorism(s), Intelligence, and Freedoms
Organized Crime Behind Bars
Confronting Cybercrime through Criminology
Burglaries in France
Which Model for Twenty-First Century French Penal Procedure?
Criminal–Terrorist Convergence
Advocating Balance in Penal Law and Penal Procedure
Volume 4, Number 1, Spring 2016
The Fight Against Terrorism and Crime
The Use of Social Networks by Criminal Gangs
Gangs and Their Evolution
The European Court of Human Rights and the Protection of Prisoners' Rights
The Mutations of Terrorism
Volume 4, Number 2, Winter 2017
Answering the Terrorism Challenge
Know What You Are Fighting
Telling Tales with Inspector PredPol
The Legal Scheme of Exceptional Circumstances
From Emergence to Institutionalization of Security Departments within French Companies
Mafia: From the Use of Violence to Artificial Scarcity
Private Security on a Global Level
Restorative Justice
Volume 5, Number 1, Spring 2017
Prologue: The Ironic Growth of a Subject
Indefensible Space Terrorism
Islamic State: Unidentified Terrorist Object
The New Habits of Imperialism
Special Report--"Imperialism's New Clothes"
The Use of Homemade Bombs
Community Safety
Improving Prevention and Protection against Terrorism
Building an Efficient Data Vault for a Corrections Environment
Volume 5, Number 2, Winter 2017/2018
Contractual Issues in Private Security
Drugs, a Global Contemporary Criminal Menace
Prison Leavers
The Ideological Slant of a Certain Sociology in France
Blasphemy: a Return to "Imaginary Crimes"?
An Analysis of the Characteristics of School Violence
Volume 6, Number 1, Spring 2018
Between Instability and Chaos
Territorial and Corrosive
Criminology, a Precursor to Criminal Law
Syria: An Epistemological Obstacle
Crises and Attacks
Sanction as a Moral Fact
The Blind, Swindlers, and Assassins
Crime, Criminality and Victims of Crime in South Africa
Volume 6, Number 2, Fall 2018/Winter 2019
Coca and Cocaine
The Legalization of Cannabis in the United States and Uruguay
Colorado: Cannabis Legalization and the Challenge of Organized Crime
Initial Impact of the Legalization of Cannabis on Criminality in Uruguay
The Fight Against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in West Africa
New Maritime Crime
The Toxicity of Maritime Overcapacity
The Greater Middle East
Arab Nationalism and Islamism
Espionage Makes a Big Comeback
Phenomenology of Suicide Attacks
Volume 7, Number 1, Winter 2019/2020
Maintaining Public Order in France
New Perspectives in the Fight against Cyberattacks
For a More Effective Fight against Cybercrime
Criminology Comes Back to Pierre Janet
A (Guided) Tour of the Digital Wild West
Criminal Networks
Martyropathy in the Sunni and Shiite Worlds
The Release of Jihadists from Prison
A Brief Genealogy of Cannabis Policy in the United States
Jacquerie 2.0 (Peasant Revolt 2.0)
Volume 7, Number 2, Spring 2020
2019: Homicide Big Comeback in France
Why Salafi-Jihadist Terrorist Groups Pledge Allegiance to Al Qaeda or Isis
Secularization versus Secularization
The Security Foundations of Jair Bolsonaro’s Electoral Breakthrough
The Shining Path
The Brazilian Army in the Fight Against Crime
Human Trafficking Network Investigations
Underestimating the Political Dimension in Urban and Geopolitical Violence
The Economic Costs of Crime in Brazil
Volume 8, Number 1, 2020/2021
The Revenge of the Germs
Drug Market and Criminality at the Time of Covid-19
When the “Lone Wolf” Hid the Herd
The Jihadist Movement and Hirak in Algeria
Illicit Flows and Trafficking Southern Europe-Maghreb
The Role of Codes of Ethics
The Fight Against Subversive Contestation
Family Criminal Clans
Volume 8, Number 2, 2020/2021
Crime in 2020: A Very Deadly Year
Criminological Research and the Unspoken
Restorative Justice in France
Beheading as a Signature Method of Jihadist Terrorism
Hybridity: New Threats, Strategic Shift?
Drug Markets in the Time of Covid-19 in Europe and France
Trafficking in the Sahel
Volume 9, Number 1, Winter 2022
Facing Total Crises: Cassandra, The State and Its Double
Criminology, Facts and Data
Cryptocurrency and National Security
Radicalization Analyzed by Social Sciences
The Impacts of Organizational Structure on Salafi-Jihadist Terrorist Groups in Africa
Pandemic Covid-19: Lessons for Bioterrorism
The History of Terrorism: A State of Knowledge and Debate
Strategies of U.S. Law Enforcement Professionals Against Lawless Areas and Crime Hot Spots
Volume 9, Number 2, Spring 2022
Volume 10, Number 1, Fall/Winter 2023
The Unexpected But Previsible Return of War
Global Mafias
Thirty-Five Years of Antiterrorist Policies in France
Birth and Expansion of Jihadism in the Sahel: Impressions and Feelings of a Filmmaker
Thirty Years of Jihad in Perspective, the Observations of Domestic Intelligence
Is the Military Operational Decision Making Approach Applicable to Managing the Covid-19 Crisis?
Intelligence and Analytical Approaches for the Crime-Gang-Terrorism Nexus
Tricks, Skullduggery, Fraud: Crime & Finance, the Decisive Years, 2009–2014
Volume 10, Number 2, Summer 2023
The Artificial Intelligence Future of Criminology Scholarship
Pakistan: Specific Islam, Unknown Aristocracies
“Heal Not Harm”: Prison Violence and Restorative Justice
Dangerous Liaisons: Illegal Doping and Corruption
Is there a Sheriff for the Chaos of the Cyber-Far-West?
Terrorism in Peru: The Shining Path Revisited by Geography
Theocratic Iran: A Worrying Succession
Special Drug Policy Section
The Evolution of the Political and Media Framing of Drugs (2003–2022)
International Drug Policy: Between Myths and Reality
How the Law of 1970 Limited Care Responses, More Than Uses
The Normalization of Swiss Drug Policies
The American Opioid Crisis and the Future of Drug Policies
Some Unthinking of the Impact of Traffic Regulation
Myths and Realities of the Importance of Drugs in the Mafia Economy (The Italian Case)
Volume 11, Number 1: January 2024
The Inevitable Return of Order
Crisis and Shock: The Double Dimension of Shocks in Crisis Management
Rethinking the Link between Jihadism and Delinquency: The Singular Trajectory of Tunisian Returnees
World Cocaine Market: Is the Phenomenon Underestimated?
Forty Years of Urban Revolts
Male-on-Male Sexual Homicide: A Systematic Review
Forgive Me, It’s My First Time!
The “Wave” Theory of Global Terrorism: Evaluation and Critical Assessment
The War through the Lens of Mathematics
How Israel’s Military Doctrines Have Changed
Shah Mat: Iran’s Victory
Volume 11, Number 2: Summer/Fall 2024
Alain Bauer’s Contributions to Criminology Studies
Thou Shalt Not Kill: A Journey into the Depths of Inhumanity
Hybrid Threats: Cartel and Gang Links to Illicit Global Networks
Juvenile Criminal Law and Restorative Justice: Highly Damaging Interpretations and Confusion
A Plea for the Systematization of Restorative Justice for Juvenile Offenders
The Secret Activity of the State, from Raison d’Etat to the Rule of Law
Power, Knowledge, and Anticipation in the “Information” Society
Sovereign AI and Strategic Decision Support
IJC Conference
Submission Guidelines
Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2013
The Art of Criminology in a Hostile Environment
Restorative Justice: The Dual Recognition of Crime Victims and Offenders
Subprime or subcrime?
Demographic Analysis of the Penal System: A Different Approach to Sentencing
Competition Between Those Involved in Public Debate on Crime Statistics
Psycho-Criminology of Sectarian Reality
Al Qaeda’s Western Volunteer Corps
Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 2014
The Global Criminality Age
The Long Arm of Crime and Financial Crisis
The Behavioral Intelligence Paradigm Shift in Fighting Cyber-Crime
Criminal State and Illicit Economy
The Impact of Victimological Theories on the Rights of Crime Victims in France
States of Change
The “Criminal Gang,” a French Ectoplasm?
Crime and Business
Volume 2, Number 2, Fall 2014
Charting Illicit Trade
Does Policing Have an Impact on Homicides?
Zarqawi's Children
Volume 3, Number 1, Spring 2015
Restorative Justice in the Penal Reform in France
Terrorism and Criminal Law
From "Arab Spring" to Jihadist Ice Age
What recent property crime trends in Western Europe tells us about the crime drops
At the Risk of Repeating Myself, Lumpenterrorism is Now with Us
Volume 3, Number 2, Fall 2015
The Cyclical Evolution of Homicides and Security
Terrorism(s), Intelligence, and Freedoms
Organized Crime Behind Bars
Confronting Cybercrime through Criminology
Burglaries in France
Which Model for Twenty-First Century French Penal Procedure?
Criminal–Terrorist Convergence
Advocating Balance in Penal Law and Penal Procedure
Volume 4, Number 1, Spring 2016
The Fight Against Terrorism and Crime
The Use of Social Networks by Criminal Gangs
Gangs and Their Evolution
The European Court of Human Rights and the Protection of Prisoners' Rights
The Mutations of Terrorism
Volume 4, Number 2, Winter 2017
Answering the Terrorism Challenge
Know What You Are Fighting
Telling Tales with Inspector PredPol
The Legal Scheme of Exceptional Circumstances
From Emergence to Institutionalization of Security Departments within French Companies
Mafia: From the Use of Violence to Artificial Scarcity
Private Security on a Global Level
Restorative Justice
Volume 5, Number 1, Spring 2017
Prologue: The Ironic Growth of a Subject
Indefensible Space Terrorism
Islamic State: Unidentified Terrorist Object
The New Habits of Imperialism
Special Report--"Imperialism's New Clothes"
The Use of Homemade Bombs
Community Safety
Improving Prevention and Protection against Terrorism
Building an Efficient Data Vault for a Corrections Environment
Volume 5, Number 2, Winter 2017/2018
Contractual Issues in Private Security
Drugs, a Global Contemporary Criminal Menace
Prison Leavers
The Ideological Slant of a Certain Sociology in France
Blasphemy: a Return to "Imaginary Crimes"?
An Analysis of the Characteristics of School Violence
Volume 6, Number 1, Spring 2018
Between Instability and Chaos
Territorial and Corrosive
Criminology, a Precursor to Criminal Law
Syria: An Epistemological Obstacle
Crises and Attacks
Sanction as a Moral Fact
The Blind, Swindlers, and Assassins
Crime, Criminality and Victims of Crime in South Africa
Volume 6, Number 2, Fall 2018/Winter 2019
Coca and Cocaine
The Legalization of Cannabis in the United States and Uruguay
Colorado: Cannabis Legalization and the Challenge of Organized Crime
Initial Impact of the Legalization of Cannabis on Criminality in Uruguay
The Fight Against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in West Africa
New Maritime Crime
The Toxicity of Maritime Overcapacity
The Greater Middle East
Arab Nationalism and Islamism
Espionage Makes a Big Comeback
Phenomenology of Suicide Attacks
Volume 7, Number 1, Winter 2019/2020
Maintaining Public Order in France
New Perspectives in the Fight against Cyberattacks
For a More Effective Fight against Cybercrime
Criminology Comes Back to Pierre Janet
A (Guided) Tour of the Digital Wild West
Criminal Networks
Martyropathy in the Sunni and Shiite Worlds
The Release of Jihadists from Prison
A Brief Genealogy of Cannabis Policy in the United States
Jacquerie 2.0 (Peasant Revolt 2.0)
Volume 7, Number 2, Spring 2020
2019: Homicide Big Comeback in France
Why Salafi-Jihadist Terrorist Groups Pledge Allegiance to Al Qaeda or Isis
Secularization versus Secularization
The Security Foundations of Jair Bolsonaro’s Electoral Breakthrough
The Shining Path
The Brazilian Army in the Fight Against Crime
Human Trafficking Network Investigations
Underestimating the Political Dimension in Urban and Geopolitical Violence
The Economic Costs of Crime in Brazil
Volume 8, Number 1, 2020/2021
The Revenge of the Germs
Drug Market and Criminality at the Time of Covid-19
When the “Lone Wolf” Hid the Herd
The Jihadist Movement and Hirak in Algeria
Illicit Flows and Trafficking Southern Europe-Maghreb
The Role of Codes of Ethics
The Fight Against Subversive Contestation
Family Criminal Clans
Volume 8, Number 2, 2020/2021
Crime in 2020: A Very Deadly Year
Criminological Research and the Unspoken
Restorative Justice in France
Beheading as a Signature Method of Jihadist Terrorism
Hybridity: New Threats, Strategic Shift?
Drug Markets in the Time of Covid-19 in Europe and France
Trafficking in the Sahel
Volume 9, Number 1, Winter 2022
Facing Total Crises: Cassandra, The State and Its Double
Criminology, Facts and Data
Cryptocurrency and National Security
Radicalization Analyzed by Social Sciences
The Impacts of Organizational Structure on Salafi-Jihadist Terrorist Groups in Africa
Pandemic Covid-19: Lessons for Bioterrorism
The History of Terrorism: A State of Knowledge and Debate
Strategies of U.S. Law Enforcement Professionals Against Lawless Areas and Crime Hot Spots
Volume 9, Number 2, Spring 2022
Volume 10, Number 1, Fall/Winter 2023
The Unexpected But Previsible Return of War
Global Mafias
Thirty-Five Years of Antiterrorist Policies in France
Birth and Expansion of Jihadism in the Sahel: Impressions and Feelings of a Filmmaker
Thirty Years of Jihad in Perspective, the Observations of Domestic Intelligence
Is the Military Operational Decision Making Approach Applicable to Managing the Covid-19 Crisis?
Intelligence and Analytical Approaches for the Crime-Gang-Terrorism Nexus
Tricks, Skullduggery, Fraud: Crime & Finance, the Decisive Years, 2009–2014
Volume 10, Number 2, Summer 2023
The Artificial Intelligence Future of Criminology Scholarship
Pakistan: Specific Islam, Unknown Aristocracies
“Heal Not Harm”: Prison Violence and Restorative Justice
Dangerous Liaisons: Illegal Doping and Corruption
Is there a Sheriff for the Chaos of the Cyber-Far-West?
Terrorism in Peru: The Shining Path Revisited by Geography
Theocratic Iran: A Worrying Succession
Special Drug Policy Section
The Evolution of the Political and Media Framing of Drugs (2003–2022)
International Drug Policy: Between Myths and Reality
How the Law of 1970 Limited Care Responses, More Than Uses
The Normalization of Swiss Drug Policies
The American Opioid Crisis and the Future of Drug Policies
Some Unthinking of the Impact of Traffic Regulation
Myths and Realities of the Importance of Drugs in the Mafia Economy (The Italian Case)
Volume 11, Number 1: January 2024
The Inevitable Return of Order
Crisis and Shock: The Double Dimension of Shocks in Crisis Management
Rethinking the Link between Jihadism and Delinquency: The Singular Trajectory of Tunisian Returnees
World Cocaine Market: Is the Phenomenon Underestimated?
Forty Years of Urban Revolts
Male-on-Male Sexual Homicide: A Systematic Review
Forgive Me, It’s My First Time!
The “Wave” Theory of Global Terrorism: Evaluation and Critical Assessment
The War through the Lens of Mathematics
How Israel’s Military Doctrines Have Changed
Shah Mat: Iran’s Victory
Volume 11, Number 2: Summer/Fall 2024
Alain Bauer’s Contributions to Criminology Studies
Thou Shalt Not Kill: A Journey into the Depths of Inhumanity
Hybrid Threats: Cartel and Gang Links to Illicit Global Networks
Juvenile Criminal Law and Restorative Justice: Highly Damaging Interpretations and Confusion
A Plea for the Systematization of Restorative Justice for Juvenile Offenders
The Secret Activity of the State, from Raison d’Etat to the Rule of Law
Power, Knowledge, and Anticipation in the “Information” Society
Sovereign AI and Strategic Decision Support
IJC Conference
Volume 10, Number 2, Summer 2023
Table of Contents
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The Artificial Intelligence Future of Criminology Scholarship
Paul Rich
doi: 10.18278/ijc.10.2.1
Pakistan: Specific Islam, Unknown Aristocracies
Camille Verleuw, Preamble by Xavier Raufer
doi: 10.18278/ijc.10.2.2
“Heal Not Harm”: Prison Violence and Restorative Justice
Robert Cario
doi: 10.18278/ijc.10.2.3
Dangerous Liaisons: Illegal Doping and Corruption
Anne de Bongain
doi: 10.18278/ijc.10.2.4
Is There a Sheriff for the Chaos of Cyber-Far-West?
Alexis Deprau
doi: 10.18278/ijc.10.2.5
Terrorism in Peru: The Shining Path Revisited by Geography
Daniel Dory
doi: 10.18278/ijc.10.2.6
Theocratic Iran: A Worrying Succession
Camille Verleuw
doi: 10.18278/ijc.10.2.7
Special Drug Policy Section: Introduction
Sonny Perseil
doi: 10.18278/ijc.10.2.8
The Evolution of the Political and Media Framing of Drugs (2003–2022)
Sonny Perseil
doi: 10.18278/ijc.10.2.9
International Drug Policy: Between Myths and Reality
François-Xavier Dudouet
doi: 10.18278/ijc.10.2.10
How the Law of 1970 Limited Care Responses, More Than Uses
Jean-Pierre Couteron
doi: 10.18278/ijc.10.2.11
The Normalization of Swiss Drug Policies
Alexandre Pollien
doi: 10.18278/ijc.10.2.12
The American Opioid Crisis and the Future of Drug Policies
Bertrand Lebeau Leibovici
doi: 10.18278/ijc.10.2.13
Some Unthinking of the Impact of Traffic Regulation
Claire Andrieux
doi: 10.18278/ijc.10.2.14
Myths and Realities of the Importance of Drugs in the Mafia Economy (The Italian Case)
Clotilde Champeyrache
doi: 10.18278/ijc.10.2.15