Volume 5, Number 1, Spring 2017
Table of Contents
Prologue: The Ironic Growth of a Subject
Paul J. Rich
doi: 10.18278/ijc.5.1.1
Indefensible Space Terrorism: Securing Places or Protecting People?
Alain Bauer and François Freynet
doi: 10.18278/ijc.5.1.2
Islamic State: Unidentified Terrorist Object
Xavier Raufer
doi: 10.18278/ijc.5.1.3
Dossier--The New Habits of Imperialism
The Geopolitics of American Law: Recent News from the Foreign Front
Olivier de Maison Rouge
doi: 10.18278/ijc.5.1.4
Special Report--"Imperialism's New Clothes"
Exploring the Idea of Influence in Economic Warfare: From Fair Competition to Criminal Conspiracies
Bruno Racouchot
doi: 10.18278/ijc.5.1.5
The Use of Homemade Bombs (Explosive or Incendiary) in France: A Dangerous Development
Patricia Lucat
doi: 10.18278/ijc.5.1.6
Community Safety: A Remedy for Territorial Segregation?
A French Response
François Dieu and Xavier Latour
doi: 10.18278/ijc.5.1.7
Improving Prevention and Protection against Terrorism and
Other Criminal Attacks on Schools and Educational Institutions
Raymond H.A. Carter
doi: 10.18278/ijc.5.1.8
Building an Efficient Data Vault for a Corrections Environment Using SCRUM and AGILE Techniques for Operational Business Intelligence
Gary Harmon
doi: 10.18278/ijc.5.1.9
Prologue: The Ironic Growth of a Subject
Paul J. Rich
doi: 10.18278/ijc.5.1.1
Indefensible Space Terrorism: Securing Places or Protecting People?
Alain Bauer and François Freynet
doi: 10.18278/ijc.5.1.2
Islamic State: Unidentified Terrorist Object
Xavier Raufer
doi: 10.18278/ijc.5.1.3
Dossier--The New Habits of Imperialism
The Geopolitics of American Law: Recent News from the Foreign Front
Olivier de Maison Rouge
doi: 10.18278/ijc.5.1.4
Special Report--"Imperialism's New Clothes"
Exploring the Idea of Influence in Economic Warfare: From Fair Competition to Criminal Conspiracies
Bruno Racouchot
doi: 10.18278/ijc.5.1.5
The Use of Homemade Bombs (Explosive or Incendiary) in France: A Dangerous Development
Patricia Lucat
doi: 10.18278/ijc.5.1.6
Community Safety: A Remedy for Territorial Segregation?
A French Response
François Dieu and Xavier Latour
doi: 10.18278/ijc.5.1.7
Improving Prevention and Protection against Terrorism and
Other Criminal Attacks on Schools and Educational Institutions
Raymond H.A. Carter
doi: 10.18278/ijc.5.1.8
Building an Efficient Data Vault for a Corrections Environment Using SCRUM and AGILE Techniques for Operational Business Intelligence
Gary Harmon
doi: 10.18278/ijc.5.1.9